Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I'm Baaaaack!

Well it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written on this blog I left on in June of LAST YEAR!  So in the light of the New Year, I’m gonna get the blog motor up and running again.  I have missed blogging and I am excited to get back at it again, really excited!   I’ve been brewing up some ideas on what I want to blog about, doing some blog research, and checking what’s hip nowadays.  Ok, now that sounded totally corny when I typed it, but it sounded really clever in my head when I was thinking it. Whomp whomp!  I guess I better get to cracking on my mad writing skills before I get too far into this blog thing ya’ think?

With my new found blog enthusiasm, I can tell you my perspective on things are a teeny tiny bit different this time around.  Why you ask, oh just a lil’ something happened to me, a lil’ someone came into my life, a lil’ someone I like to call my son, Holden!  Holy hell, I’m a momma now!!!  AHHHHH!  Can you believe it!?  I am so elated I want to scream from the mountain tops.  You know people always tell you, (for all of you who aren’t moms yet) you’ll never know till you’re a mom, well damn if they weren’t right.  You really don’t know until you are a mom.  It changes everything, and I mean for the better.  Now, you’re talking to the girl who was all about me, me, me,---now I’m not talking materialistic me, but me as in I like to sleep in till noon on a random Tuesday, just because I can.  I’m talking about me, the girl who was all about my furbabies Bella & Chloe and what bandana they were gonna wear when we went on our next walk.   So yeah, you might say my blog topics might be a bit different that I would have ever imagined they would be.  That just means I get to reach a new group of people I wouldn’t have ever reached before, and that my friend is awesome. 

This year, I’m not going to make any new year’s resolutions, but proclamations!  I hope you are sticking to the resolutions you made!  I know we all do this every year, so let me share my proclamations with you!  They are as follows:

-Do my best to lose the rest of the baby weight (only a few more pounds to go!  Woo hoo)

-Have better time management---I’m not used to having to pack up for two when I leave to go on a
“quick” errand.  Those no longer exist by the way. 

-Make some new mommy friends---this is a feat I have not yet delved into yet—where do I find these “mommy friends”?  Lol

-Make an effort to get REALLY involved in my ladies bible study this year, not just be another person sitting and listening.

 Brightest Blessings

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