Thursday, June 14, 2012

10 Things I'm Grateful For

I was having my quite time yesterday, and I started to think of all the things I’m grateful for.  I’ve had a very good year so far, and it keeps getting better and better.  For myself, my relationship with the Lord has made a HUGE IMPACT on how my year has played out thus far.  I’m not a “bible beater” by any stretch of the imagination, but I am now no longer afraid anymore to state how I feel about the Lord or my faith. 

Before I only prayed when I needed something or wanted something to go my way.  How selfish is that?  I know we’re all guilty of it, we just don’t’ like to admit it.  Now, I never forget to pray every night before I go to bed and every morning when I wake up….because God doesn’t forget to wake up in the morning.  To me when I pray, I give my concerns to the Lord and ask for forgiveness for my faults, no matter how small or big. 

I know this is a popular topic to do around Thanksgiving, to say what we are all thankful and grateful for, but we need to remember to be thankful and grateful everyday of our lives.  So I encourage you all to do the same, you don’t have to share it, but just make a list for yourself!  Makes you feel amazing!  J

I’m grateful:        (in no particular order, just the way my brain spewed them out!)

1.  For my unborn son.  He is the biggest blessing in our lives, and in 4 short months we’ll be able to see his beautiful face and be a family for the first time.

2. For my beloved husband.  He is my rock, my shield and my provider.  He eats the meals I cook when they aren’t so good, with a smile. 

3. For the AWESOME relationship I have with my one and only brother.  He is my best friend.  He will always be there, no matter what.    

4. For having a job, in this economy they are hard to come by these days.

5. For being introduced to the Wives On Duty, a faith bases support group for LEO wives.  It has made a big impact on my communication with my husband.

6. For starting my blog.  I don’t have many followers, but I hope that this reaches the people it needs to reach, whether it’s for a good laugh, or if it touches their lives.  :

7. For all the faults and bad decisions I’ve made in life.  For if they had never happened, I wouldn’t have learned from them.  I wouldn’t have changed to be the person I am today.

8. For my Mother and Father.  They have helped me in many times in my lives.  They will love me unconditionally.  They have loved me through my many faults.  They are indispensable. 

9. For having all the amenities I need to live a comfortable life.  I have a home, cars, food and enough money to get by in life. 

10. For my two labs Bella & Chloe.  Funny thing about dogs, they never get mad at you and they always want to love and be next to you.  They got me through some rough times, when a snuggled is all I needed.

Brightest Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. It's always good to know, for what we are grateful for, I really love ur list.


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