Monday, January 14, 2013

DietBet--Challenge Accepted!

So my good friend Jennifer brought this DietBet challenge to my attention today.  We had been talking about weight loss over the weekend, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.  Here we are 14 days into the New Year, and it only took me 2 weeks to get on a diet kick!  ;)  Not how I envisioned my year starting, and I had no diet new year resolutions....but whatevs! 
So what is DietBet you ask, well as in the title, there is a bet involved.  It’s a virtual online weigh-in game where you have 28 days to lose 4% of your body weight.  You pay $25 to put in the pot, and depending on how many members are in your game/group the bigger the pot will get.  In our group there are 32 players, so our pot is at $800!  If you win the challenge, you get the money fair and square.  But if you and three other people win, you have to split it.  Either way, it’s cheap and it’s a fun way to get you motivated to lose weight.   You had to submit a full body shot image and then yourself standing on the scale with the “word of the day” image.  This is so no one can cheat!  
According to my account it shows me that I need to lose 10.3lbs in 28 days.  That seems doable to me, it’s not a big number, so it’s not scary!  That’s what I like about this challenge, 1. I’m doing it with a friend so it makes me accountable, and 2. 10lbs isn’t a big scary number.  I think the more mini challenges of weight loss I have, I’ll be more successful!  So, here’s to me winning $800!  I think if I win I’m putting all that money in Holden’s college fund! All the more reason to kick booty!  I just hope there aren't a bunch of skinny mini's doing this and they win too!  lol  ;)

Brightest Blessings,

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