Monday, October 6, 2014

Seasons & Being Prayerful

Been doing a lot of thinking lately......and a whole lot of praying.  I have several things going on in my life, some that are absolutely fabulous, and some not so fabulous.  We ALL have that going on.  One night, I was having a conversation with my Mom about the seasons we are both going through in our lives.  I'm talking about the struggles of day-to-day, the big and little problems we face in our lives, the things we "deal" with.  My Mom had been sharing hers, and I was sharing mine.  We laughed, cried and cried some more, and hugged a lot!  Then my Mom had brought up a friend of hers and what she was going let me tell you, I thought I had it rough!!  Whew, I was just so relieved that I wasn't going through that.  Then I stopped and thought, if her friend had heard my struggles, would she have felt the same way?  I bet so!  Why, well I'd like to think we are all, in some way or another,  in tune with each other on the radar of how heavy is your load compared to mine.  We are all sensitive to what it means to each of us.  That being said, there are certainly days when I will, and have thought I'm having it rougher you and everyone else on this planet.  Heck, I just had one of those a few days ago! Those are what I like to call Valerie Pity Parties of 1.  I am no fun on those days.  But after the tears, sniffles, thoughts and how am I gonna fix this, I give it all to the Lord, and man is my load ever lighter!!!  Amen!

That conversation got me thinking more and more of how in tune I need to be with other people and their seasons, situations, troubles and struggles.  Mine can be a drop in the bucket compared to what someone else is going through.  These days I've been a lot more open and aware of how prayerful I need and have been, for others in my life.  When I have my alone time in the morning, or at night (depending on how my day starts with lil' hoss) I am just amazed at who comes to my mind when I'm allowing myself QUIET TIME, time to think, pray, talk to the Lord, time to just be still.  People I haven't thought of in weeks.  It's happened twice this week already!  I highly recommend you try it if you aren't already in practice of this.  There are so many more people in your life, close to you, acquaintance, church friend, co-worker, guy at the grocery store that needs prayer. 

Just wanted to share that lil' tid bit with you..........ya' never know what your thinking, I'm thinking or your momma may be thinking that lights a spark!