Saturday, July 26, 2014

Homemade Kiddie Foot/Hand Artwork

If any of you have a Grandma/Nana or Pappy/Pepaw’s like we do in the Haus of Hughes they LOVE any art of craft that we Holden makes!  Check out two of the gifts this year we have made!

So for Nana (Kenny’s Mom) and Grandma (my Mom) we made them these for Mother’s Day

For Pepaw’s (Kenny’s Dad) we made this for him. Which I literally made an *hour* before we went out for his birthday dinner.  Thank the Lord for this super-hot summer weather we are having, that it dried in like 10 minutes!  

This is just something simple somewhat simple you and your wiggly little one can do together in your own kitchen.  J I would HIGHLY recommend doing this after breakfast when they are still peppy or after a nap….any other time will turn into disaster.  Fair warning, I speak from experience.  And preferably one artwork at a time…..I did two Mother’s Day gifts and even though it was one right after the other, Holden just seemed to sense the urgency in how I wanted them to be toddler messy, but yet toddler neat (haha) and you’d think WWIII was happening when I painted his hands/feet. 


Canvas or Cardstock
Foam brushes (one for each colos)
Toddler Feet/Hands
Lots of Patience

Think up any design you like or want to make, be creative.  Use the sharpie to write out your phrase or saying.  We used canvas for ours, but if you chose to use cardstock you can put your work of art in a nice frame for display.  If you chose to use the canvas as we did, there are little easels at Hobby Lobby or Michales for the artwork to be displayed on as well.  :) 
Please share with me what you come up with!  Enjoy and have fun!

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